Jenis Pengetahuan Taksonomi Bloom.Ini adalah jenis pengetahuan dalam pembelajaran.Jadi ternyata pengetahuan yang kita peroleh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari maupun dalam hal belajar di sekolah di bagi menjadi empat jenis dalam pengetahuan berdasarkan Dimensi pengetahuan Taksonomi Bloom.
Berikut Dimensi dan Jenis Pengetahuan dalam Taksonomi Boom beserta Contoh soal dalam bentuk test.
Types of Knowledge in cognitive psychology
1.Factual knowledge
2.Conceptual knowledge
3.Procedural knowledge
4.Metacognitive knowledge
1.Factual Knowledge
knowledge in the form of cut pieces of information separately or basicelements that exist in a particular discipline. Factual knowledgeis generally a low level of abstraction. There are two kinds of pengetahaun factual, ie knowledge of the terminology (knowledgeof terminology) andknowledge of the detail parts and elements(knowledge of specificdetails and elements).
Example test:
Problem brief description
1. Write various examples of measuring instruments that you know?
2. What measuring instrument used to measure the mass?
3. Get the data like table below:
1 | Termometer |
2 | Nerca Digital |
3 | Meteran |
4 | Gelas Ukur |
5 | Penggaris |
From table above Which one instrument can be used to measure the length?
A. 1,2,3
B. 2,3
C. 3,5
D. 3,4,5
E. All is true
4.Measuring tool below which is the standardmeasuring tool? Give reasons!
answer with give the reason:
5.Get the data like table below:
1 | Termometer |
2 | Nerca Digital |
3 | Meteran |
4 | Gelas Ukur |
5 | Penggaris |
From table above Which one instrument can be used to measure the Temperature?
A. 1,2,3
B. 2,3
C. 3,5
D. 3,4,5
E. All is true
7. Get the data like table below:
1 | Termometer |
2 | Nerca Digital |
3 | Meteran |
4 | Gelas Ukur |
5 | Penggaris |
From table above Which one instrument can be used to measure the subtance?
A. 1,2,3
B. 2,3
C. 3,5
D. 3,4,5
E. All is true
8.Get the data like table below:
1 | Termometer |
2 | Nerca Digital |
3 | Meteran |
4 | Gelas Ukur |
5 | Penggaris |
From table above Which one instrument can be used to measure the mass?
A. 1,2,3
B. 2,3
C. 3,5
D. 3,4,5
E. All is true
9.What kinds the instrument to measure the voltage in your home? And how to do that?
10.What kinds the instrument to use the particles can not see by ayes in daily life?
2.Conceptual knowledge
knowledge which shows the interrelations between the basic elements within a larger structure and everything works together. Conceptual knowledge includes schematics, models of thought, and a good theory which implicitly or explicitly. There are three kinds of conceptual knowledge, ie pengetahaun about kelasifikasi and categories, knowledge of the principles and generalizations, and knowledge of theories, models and structures.
Example Test:
1.The results for the potential difference between the ends of the conductor and the current strength through so-called
A. Barriers
B. Voltage
C. Strong Flow
D. Voltage
E. Source Voltage
2.Note the picture beside this electrical circuit!
If R1 = R2 = 10 Ω
R3 = R4 = 8 Ω
From The picture and the task above What is the magnitude of the strong current (I) flowing?
a. total resistance
b. Strong currentsin the circuit
dc. voltage throughparallel resistance, i1, i2, and i3
4. The following list gives the relationship between the strong current (I), the electrical resistance (R), and voltage (V).
V (volt) | R (ohm) | I(ampere) |
2 | 2 | 1,00 |
2 | 4 | 0,50 |
2 | 8 | 0,25 |
2 | 10 | 0,20 |
From the list it can be concluded that the strong electric current….
5. Explain that principle of first ohms law?
6.Explain the principle and concept of second ohm law?
7.Explain the principle and concept of third ohm law?
8. The electrical resistance of a wire conductor is: proportional to the length of the wire and inversely proportional to the _____________ and __________
9.Explain the relationship between mass and acceleration on OHM LAW? Explain!
3.Procedural knowledge
knowledge about how to do something, both routine and new. Proceduralknowledge often contains steps or stages to be followed in doing a certain thing.
Example Test:
1. If the tools and materials available only voltmeters, ammeters, power supply, a single resistor of unknown value, and Cable connecting.
Then the experimental procedure can be performed to determine the resistance value of the resistor is
1. Connect the resistor to a Power Source
2. Measure the voltage across the resistor in series
3. Measure the current strength on the resistor in parallel
4. Measure the voltage across the resistor in parallel
5. Measure the strong currents in the resistor in series
6. Change the value of the input voltage of the power supply with other values
7. Measuring barriers resistor
So that the necessary data is insufficient, the correct test procedure was
A. 1,4,5,6,7
B. 6,5,4,1
C. 1,3,4,6,7
D. 7,6,5,4
E. 2,3,4,5,6,7
2. Write down the steps to find the relationship between the barrierand the length of the wire conductor throughtrial!
3. Write down the steps to find the relationship between the barrierand the resulting current through the experiment!
4. Write down the steps to find the relationship between the length of the wire and the current generated by the experiment!
5. Write down the steps to find the relationship between the length of the wire and the materials used by experiment!
6. In the AC circuitas shown in the figure, RFM = 100 V, and the frequencyf = 50 Hz generator. Consideredthe voltage at the ends of the resistor VR =0 when t = 0. Find:
a. maximum current,
b. angular frequency generator,
c. current through the resistor at t =1/75 s
d. current through the resistor at t =1/150 s
7. A Inductor 0.2 henry mounted on the source voltage alternating current, V =(sin 200t 200) volts. Find the equation of the current flowing in the circuit! Like picture below:
8. A capacitor 50 μF connected to the source voltagealternating current. The current flowingin the circuit is I = (4.sin 100t) A. Determine the equation of the voltage on thecapacitor!
9. RLC series circuit, with each of R = 30Ω, L = 0.6 H, and C = 500 μF mounted on an alternating voltage source with V = (sin 100t 200) volts. Define:
a. impedance circuit,
b. flow equationon the circuit!
10. RLC circuit in Figure below has anatural frequency of oscillation, and consideredin the circuit work an outside influence, whichin this caseis the voltage alternatingelectric motion given in equation V = Vm.sin ωt, with ω is the frequency angle ofthe driving force. Maximum response, IRMS, occurs when the angular frequency ω of the driving forceexactly equal the natural frequency ω0 ofoscillation for freeoscillation of the circuit.
4.Metacognitive knowledge
includes knowledge aboutcognition in general and self-knowledge. Studies on metacognitive showed that along with the development of students into increasinglysadarakan mind andthe more know aboutcognition, and ifthe student can achieve this then they will be better at learning.
Example test:
1. Use the following options to match with the statement below!
A | Float |
B | Sink |
C | Pascal |
D | Hydraulic pump |
E | Archimedes |
F | 2,4 N |
G | 4 N |
H | 3N |
I | 2,5 x 106 N/m2 |
J | Submarine |
K | Injection |
L | 6 N |
M | Flying |
NO | Question | Suit | Reason |
1 | Pressure which was held from the outside to the liquid that is in a closed room will be forwarded by the liquid substances in all directions with equal average is legal ... pascal |
2 | Examples of application of the law is the pascal ... |
3 | Floating, sinking, and the drift is the application of the law ... |
4 | The volume of the submerged object is smaller than the total volume of the object is the state of the object in a fluid condition experienced ... |
5 | The volume of the submerged object is equal to the total volume of the object is the state of the object in a fluid condition experienced .. |
6 | Object in a fluid drift is ... |
7 | Archimedes legal application in everyday life is |
8 | Heavy objects in the air 40 N and when in the water 36 N. If g = 10 m / s2, the buoyant force of the water body is. . . |
9 | Hydraulic jack has a cross-section of each diameter of 2 mm and 100 mm. Style minimum that must be done on a small cross-section to lift a car that weighs 6000 N is ... |
10 | A mass of 50 kg woman wearing shoes. 2cm2 area of the base heels. if the gravitational acceleration of 10m / s2, the greater the pressure shoe to the floor is ... |